Personal Brand on LinkedIn: Expertly Build Your Persona

There has never been a more important time to have a strong personal brand, not only within the professional world but also in your everyday interactions with people. 

Your personal brand is your “profile” on social media, and it serves as a platform for people to connect with you. 

The power, therefore, lies in how you present yourself to others.

Having an irresistible personal brand on LinkedIn is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to increase your brand’s visibility. 

However, there are a lot of things you can do to perfect your branding and make sure it remains consistent over time.

First, you have to…

#1 Define your brand

Creating a personal brand is more than just what your business card says. 

It’s a culmination of who you are and what you have done that sets you apart from everyone else in the marketplace. 

When building your personal brand, always focus on adding value by demonstrating expertise in your field, sharing new ideas or content, connecting with other professionals, or showing off fun or interesting things about yourself. 

Don’t worry if you don’t think these activities sound like they would be enjoyable to you – they will become second nature after some time! 

Once you start posting valuable content and forming connections, people will notice, and they will want to follow and connect with you.

#2 Be authentic

With more than 850 million users, it’s clear that many people turn to LinkedIn for professional purposes. 

However, this does not mean that one must completely reinvent themselves in order to fit in with others. 

Instead, what is important is being true to who you are. 

Doing so will help give you the natural edge over other individuals because there is something genuine about your personal brand – something they cannot replicate or imitate. 

Authenticity transcends boundaries and borders; it shines through whether you are in a formal setting or informal networking event. 

What matters is being true to oneself.

#3 Get creative with your banner design

Branding yourself on LinkedIn is easier than you think, but getting creative with your banner can be a good way of standing out from the crowd. 

For starters, adding photos of yourself will help prospects remember your face when they’re scrolling through page after page of faces and smiling at the thought that they might find the one. 

By creating a splashy banner that reflects who you are and what your company is all about, the extra effort will be worth it in terms of conversions.

Images have been proven time and time again to have a stronger emotional impact than words, so why not use them? 

#4 Write engaging headlines and content

Be as detailed as possible with your headline. 

Tell the reader exactly what they’re going to learn from reading your blog post, and try to avoid being to sales.

No one wants to read something like that.

Be creative and try using emotive words in headlines, too, like easy or fun. 

An effective headline should provoke interest and intrigue the reader.

As for the content, write about topics where your expertise can really shine through and that are relevant to what your audience wants to read.

#5 Build relationships with influencers in your niche

LinkedIn can be a great platform for networking and building connections with people who share your niche. 

As long as you are cautious about what information you provide, there is no harm in connecting with other professionals. 

To build connections with influencers in your industry, start by following them, liking their posts, and commenting on their posts. 

You can also join discussion groups as this gives some good exposure, and it often leads to real-world connections as well, which can be very valuable both professionally and socially! 

Being involved in these discussions also helps show how interested and engaged you are in your industry, so worth the effort here too. 

Establishing credibility and growing your network

Developing a personal brand is one of the best ways to establish credibility.

Of course, it can take time, but you can follow a few tried-and-true steps that will help you set yourself apart from other professionals in your field. 

It’s important to keep in mind that this process takes time and effort, but by following the above-mentioned steps, you’ll be well on your way. 
If you don’t really know how to get started or need some kind of guidance on how to increase visibility and build your personal brand — you can always book a call with me. I’m looking forward to connecting with you!

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